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This module contains the CohereCallResponse class.

Usage Documentation



Bases: BaseCallResponse[SkipValidation[NonStreamedChatResponse], CohereTool, SkipValidation[Tool], AsyncCohereDynamicConfig | CohereDynamicConfig, SkipValidation[ChatMessage], CohereCallParams, SkipValidation[ChatMessage], CohereMessageParamConverter]

A convenience wrapper around the Cohere ChatCompletion response.

When calling the Cohere API using a function decorated with cohere_call, the response will be an CohereCallResponse instance with properties that allow for more convenience access to commonly used attributes.


from mirascope.core import prompt_template
from mirascope.core.cohere import cohere_call

def recommend_book(genre: str) -> str:
    return f"Recommend a {genre} book"

response = recommend_book("fantasy")  # response is an `CohereCallResponse` instance

content property

content: str

Returns the content of the chat completion for the 0th choice.

finish_reasons property

finish_reasons: list[str] | None

Returns the finish reasons of the response.

model property

model: str

Returns the name of the response model.

Cohere does not return model, so we return the model provided by the user.

id property

id: str | None

Returns the id of the response.

usage property

usage: ApiMetaBilledUnits | None

Returns the usage of the response.

input_tokens property

input_tokens: float | None

Returns the number of input tokens.

cached_tokens property

cached_tokens: float | None

Returns the number of cached tokens.

output_tokens property

output_tokens: float | None

Returns the number of output tokens.

message_param cached property

message_param: ChatMessage

Returns the assistant's response as a message parameter.

tools cached property

tools: list[CohereTool] | None

Returns the tools for the 0th choice message.


Type Description

if a tool call doesn't match the tool's schema.

tool cached property

tool: CohereTool | None

Returns the 0th tool for the 0th choice message.


Type Description

if the tool call doesn't match the tool's schema.

cost_metadata property

cost_metadata: CostMetadata

Get metadata required for cost calculation.

tool_message_params classmethod

    tools_and_outputs: list[tuple[CohereTool, str]]
) -> list[ToolResult]

Returns the tool message parameters for tool call results.


Name Type Description Default
tools_and_outputs list[tuple[CohereTool, str]]

The list of tools and their outputs from which the tool message parameters should be constructed.



Type Description

The list of constructed ToolResult parameters.

Source code in mirascope/core/cohere/
def tool_message_params(
    tools_and_outputs: list[tuple[CohereTool, str]],
) -> list[ToolResult]:
    """Returns the tool message parameters for tool call results.

        tools_and_outputs: The list of tools and their outputs from which the tool
            message parameters should be constructed.

        The list of constructed `ToolResult` parameters.
    return [
            call=tool.tool_call,  # pyright: ignore [reportArgumentType]
            outputs=[{"output": output}],
        for tool, output in tools_and_outputs